We (me along with my team Chinmay and Sitaram) have developed a Android application for Anuj’s talk at DroidCon-In 2015 to show how we can create context aware navigation experiences using beacons. We have used Estimote beacons as hardware and their Estimote Android sdk libraries for the application.

Beacon is a small transmitting device which continuously transmits signals at regular intervals within a short range. We have used Estimote beacons with Eddystone which is a protocol specification for defining the beacons message format. Beacon uses Bluetooth low energy i.e. Bluetooth 4.0 AKA Bluetooth Smart.
For more details about Beacons visit here.

You can download the app form Google Play Store here.

You will need beacons with Eddystone format to test the app.

Here are some of the screenshots of the application:

Its an open source project you can also contribute.